A pitbull contemplates a forever home. |
More than a year ago there were more than 200 pitbulls rescued from a dog-fighting syndicate where they were mistreated and forced to fight to death with one another. Dog fights were then caught on webcam as online gamblers bet on their mishaps. They were bred in a terrible environment and were raised for terrible reasons, to please the gambler's lust for carnage. Some of them died of sickness and were unable to go on living a normal dog's life after a very traumatizing experience, those who survived suffered irreversible damages, intellectually, emotionally and physically.
This is Bailey, she has serious issues where she tends to lick her cage ceiling every time someone approaches her. She was used as a dummy for pitbulls in training where her snout was taped and her teeth were filed so she won't be able to fight back or harm the dogs attacking her. It made her socially retarded and awkward towards any living creature. She's not ready to be adopted yet, through dog psychoanalysis and therapy, she will be. For now, healing her physical wounds is priority, hence the silver nipples. |
My visit to the rescue center was prepared and I did all the paper works before hand, I came in as an adopter and would like to give one of these dogs a forever home in Sta Rosa. The trip to Tiaong Quezon was smooth on a Sunday morning where traffic was very cooperative.
The many adoptable pit-bulls fighting for the visitor's attention through barking, puppy eyed glares, and tail wagging. |
Adopters will get to know the dogs better through volunteering their time at the center and also by bonding with their dog of choice.
This one caught my eye because of her beautiful coat and charms. She got me at "ARF ARF ARF!" |
Adopting one of the dogs here requires total commitment and preparedness for the responsibility at hand. It's like wooing a person. I am willing to cross seven mountains and give a day of my week for a dog whom I'm willing to give a forever home. It's hard work, but I know it's worth it. Knowing the dog's personality and behavior can't be done in a single visit, just like Rome was not built in a day.
Let's start with giving her treats and a walk with an interview "What are your interests?" "What do you think about interplanetary travel?" "Do you like cats?" |
Volunteer work consists mostly of giving the 164 dogs a walk and giving them baths, at least that's the more active things to do. Observing them and checking out if something's wrong with them is also part of it. There aren't a lot of volunteers and CARA is looking for people who are willing to give their time for these poor dogs.
It's a great way to spend a Sunday and can be done with friends or family. Volunteering here is a satisfying activity that's definitely worthwhile.
This is one of the most aggressive pitbulls in the center. He should never be approached and is considered to be very dangerous. I think I like him. He has a nice dark coat as dark as his past and has a look reserved for grandma-rapers. |
Pitbulls are loving dogs who are loyal to the point that they'd do anything for their masters, even so to kill off another creature of their race. Their master's happiness is their happiness. |
It's terrible that these dogs were raised to kill off the next dog they bump fur with. It's twisted and had thwarted their chance at a meaningful dog to dog connection. |
Adopt a Laguna pitbull and give these poor creatures a chance to live in a caring environment where it is safe. Some dogs are not adoptable yet because they are still sick physically or must recover from their PTSDs. |
Buying a dog or a cat is a shame but adopting an animal is a gallant and respectable deed. It helps so much in abolishing animal exploitation in many ways. |
I walked three dogs and checked out a group of dogs as part of the volunteer work, the walking part was a bit tiring as I tried running with the dogs to see if they were fit for jogging along with. The dogs were harmless but my shirt and pants were not spared of mud as one of the dogs kept lunging at me with excitement.
These dogs enjoy having visitors because they don't really get a lot of people visiting on them.
For those who wish to volunteer or have inquiries with regards to volunteering, they can email: volunteeratlpb@gmail.com
For those who wish to adopt can email:
Donations are also welcome! Visit
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