This is a good beginning for bookarts in the Philippines where there are now a few practitioners with the craft surfacing. I know aside from me, there are a few others from the North and South of Luzon.
I am very much looking forward to meeting a few of them as well.
Here's news from inewswire about my solo show this coming September 25 at the Big Room of Art informal.
Aside from my solo show, I was also included at the Met Open where there were 200 artworks exhibited for the benefit of the Met's art program. 5 curators were the one who chose the artworks submitted and what I liked about the application process was that they don't need your resume or cv, they just need to see your work. The reception is on the 20th but will open to the public on the 21st. I have submitted a bookart piece enclosed in wood and glass, protecting 3 hanging bound books and one at the bottom for a total of 4 bound books within. Sadly, I do not have a photo of the artwork but I will surely take a photo of it when it is at the Met Museum, the lighting will definitely give it a different feel.

And I also joined an art fair on the 25th at the National Art Fair in the Megamall Megatrade Halls. It seems that this month is truly a busy and spectacular month. I'm hoping to keep this up but working as a full time artist can take its toll since the financial income is not stable. The only way I could get by is to be very frugal and really spend on things that are necessary, I am not capable of appeasing my luxuries very much but I know I must tighten my belt.
I am happy for the support that I get from family and friends as I tread this path.
Audaces Fortuna Iuvat
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